The Growler Cometh

So I come to you to whine and bitch.

In 72 hours I will be lining up on the streets of Gunnison for the Gunnison Growler. A 64 mile marathon race in Hartman Rocks. For months I've been preparing and now the day is upon me and I have a devil cold threatening. Heavy chest, nasal dams, the fuggin works. My wife, the lovely Missus Goat who is a preacher of all things eastern and a part time medicine woman of the Aruvedic clan has me jazzed up on all kinds of herbs and steams along with chants and smokewaving.
I have to admit, this morning I feel better but I'm still only at 75 % capacity. I wanted this to be a rest week but dealing with being sick is just about as taxing as riding full bore every day and I am weary.
Nevertheless, things are looking up. I am feeling better, the sun is shining and I'm looking forward to getting my ass kicked as well as kicking some ass. If not, maybe I'll just hawk a loogie on them. Lets get our race on!


  the original big ring

May 28, 2010 at 6:52 PM

good luck dude!